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Company:generic (China)

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Shipping Location:Eastern Asia
type (oral/injectable):PEPTIDES
Rate:Not rated

Gonadorelin is a synthetic peptide that corresponds to endogenous hormone which causes freeing of follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone (gonadotropins). They induce testosterone production. Synthetic analogues of gonadotropin releasing hormone are applied in sports pharmacology. In general medical practice they are intended for treatment of such hormone dependent diseases as uterine fibrosis, infertility, endometriosis, and prostate cancer. Synthetic analogues of gonadorelin include tryptorelin, goserelin, leuprolide, nafarelin, buserelin etc.

Gonadorelin consists of ten amino acids (pyroGlutamic acid - Histidine - Tryptophan – Serine –Tyrosine – Glycine – Leucine – Arginine – Proline – Glycine). It represents one of hypothalamic hormonal agents. It attaches to special receptors in pituitary and eventually causes the freeing of  gonadotropins – FSH and LH. They induce synthesis of male sex hormones (androgens) in testicles.

The secretion of Gonadotropine Releasing Hormone has a pulsating character with periodicity of about two times an hour. A feedback of other hormonal signaling regulates this pulsing. Estrogens, testosterone and anabolics may interfere the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, thus decreasing endogenous testosterone production.

In general, via secretion of LH and FSH gonagoliberin causes maturation of follicles and ovulation in women, spermatogenesis and testosterone secretion in men. This substance has poor bioavailability when taken orally, therefore the best way of administration is injection or nasal drops/spray. The half-life of this hormone varies from ten to forty minutes. It is subjected to hydrolysis in blood plasma and eventually excreted with urine in the form of inactive metabolites.

When you buy Gonadorelin make sure that you are aware of possible side-effects. The excess of it (or wrong pattern of administration) may lead to insensitivity of pituitary receptors and suppression of sexual function and libido. Among other side-effects are swelling of mammary glands, headache, pain in the bones, nausea, diarrhea, allergic reactions. In medical practice gonadorelin is used for treatment of reproductive disorders. The substance is administered in a pulsed mode, 2.5 μg every 1 – 1.5 hours.

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