
GHRP-2 (Pralmorelin, Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide - 2)

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Company:generic (China)

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Shipping Location:Eastern Asia
type (oral/injectable):PEPTIDES
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GHRP-2 (also, growth hormone releasing peptide-2) is a synthetic peptide which is structurally analogous to metenkephalin. By pharmaceutical action it refers to secretagogues (inducers of HGH secretion). Unlike metenkephalin, it lacks opioid properties and its major action is in the freeing of HGH.

GHRP-2 is a small peptide consisting of 6 amino acids. It is also known under the trade names Pralmorelin and Pracrin. Probably it is the first of peptides which was introduced for clinical use in Japan to treat GH deficiency. As to the growth hormone, it has ability to enlarge lean muscle mass and reduce body fat. In clinical trials GHRP-2 revealed high effectiveness at GH release with a peak concentration coming in 15 min after intake.

One should mention that Pralmorelin is not referred to any growth hormone releasing hormones (GHRH), for instance sermorelin or its relative CJC1295. It has absolutely different mechanism and binds to different receptor. This type of receptor interacts with natural hormone ghrelin, which is responsible for increased HGH secretion. Though both GHRP-2 and ghrelin are responsible for sensation of hunger, there is a difference between them. The former doesn’t induce accumulation of fat and doesn’t cause the boost of appetite as the latter.

Among other properties of this hormone is a slight induction of prolactin, cortisol and ACTH release. It also causes feeling of hunger.  Physiological response to GHRP-2 also includes increased level of calcium inflow and the rise of levels of IGF-1 in blood. The result can be even higher when you take GHRH along with it.

 You can buy GHRP-2 in the form of lyophilized powder which should be stored in a fridge at -20 °C. After reconstitution the substance should be divided into parts to refrain from multiple freezing and thawing, which is undesirable. You can keep the substance at 4 °C but not for long time.

The benefits of GHRP 2

  • Reduces the signs of aging by improving skin elasticity (less wrinkles).
  • Improves endurance.
  • Provides quicker healing of wounds
  • Reinforces the heart muscle.
  • By stimulating hypothalamus improves sexual desire and drive.
  • Improves immunity.
  • Increases the IGF-1production
  • Improves quality of sleep.
  • Induces reduction of body fat (lipolysis).
  • Increases protein synthesis.
  • Makes improvement of eyesight.
  • Strengthens the bone density by increasing calcium retention.
  • Treats growth hormone deficiency.

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